The Route Request Packet delivery rate is restricted by two threshold quantities. The source node Send a large number of route request packets whose credibility will be reduced, preventing Route Request flooding attacks efficiently.Secondly, Gateway Bulletin (GABU) and Attack Report (cheap wedding gown dresses ) The AODV routing protocol will be used as the base protocol to access Ad Hoc Networks. Modify wedding gowns dresses route request message format and add to Attacker IP Address in the protocol by adding new flag A and B in reserved bit. When A = 1, B=1 indicates the node can come to the higher layer network, that is the gateway node. The gateway node will advertise attacker information by broadcasting the GABU messages and the other nodes can get the information of attacker information from discount wedding gowns message. When A = 0, B = 1 indicates the node is general node, which will send ATRE message to gateway node. The gateway node can get the information attacker information from blog wedding dresses 2010 message and reduce attacker’s credibility. By sending GABU and ATRE message, all nodes can report and get the information attacker information. All nodes will disconnect communication links together cheap polo shirts attacker, improving the Ad Hoc Network security.At last, the simulator of NS-2 test bed is used to the experiment on Linux Operating System. In order to study Ad Hoc Flooding to attack the wedding dresses form china influence which produces to the network performance, simultaneously confirms the defensive measure the actual function effect, the results of our implementation show mechanism can prevent the Ad hoc Flooding attack efficiently.