With rapid development of the modern optical communication technology, the information transfer capability of the optical fiber increases quickly in a short time. However, Electronic bottle-neck is generated by network node for the optical-electrical switch speed. The all optical network can eliminate electronic bottle-neck, decrease the time delay of O/E/O conversion, and increase the transfer speed of the whole system. So the performance of the optical buffer decides the capability of the all optical switch network.In this paper, it is discussed the research of the accurately adjustable optical buffer (DLOB) in big range, including the big DLOB with the length of 5000 m and small DLOB with 5 m. How to realize the optical packet storage experiment in both two DLOB is the key point which keeps that storage time in optical buffer can be accurately adjusted in big range.Through a serial of experiments, including testing, storage and eliminating noise experiments, it is realized that optical signal packet can be stored for 10 rounds in these two buffers, the ratio of signal and noise is bigger than 15 dB, and the smallest adjustable time is 76.35 ns.Finally, it is calculated out the input and output character function considering absorb waste and no absorb waste, basing on the speed equation of semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). And the best working point is found out. It is brought out that SOA can be taken as the amplitude limit device in optical domain. Through the experiments, it is proved that SOA has good amplitude limit character, and it can eliminate the code effect and reduce noise in optical domain.